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                       Ariella Garcia

                       Ariella Garcia

                       Ariella Garcia

                       Ariella Garcia

                       Ariella Garcia

                       Ariella Garcia

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A 5-Day Whole Foods Detox to Help You Feel Better, Have More Energy, and Recover from over indulging during the cold winter months and the summer Barbicue seasons (Without Giving Up Real Food!)

Group program runs
June 26 - 30, 2023

Did you know that most people gain between 5-7 lbs. During the winter and holiday months …and never lose it again. 

Over time, that can seriously add up and create that “Who the heck is that?!” feeling when you look in the mirror or try to fit look good in your bathing suit.


Listen, the holidays are a ton of fun, and frankly, I don’t think it’s the time to be dieting or feeling bad about the food and drink you enjoy with loved ones. That being said, it can be tough to break out of that habit when the weather gets hot and its time to shed those layers of clothes. 


Luckily for you, I have a simple, tasty, and really effective solution that can re-set your eating habits, boost your energy, and help budge that pudge in time for your bathing suit in less than a week.


Over the past few years, I’ve helped many clients through my gentle but really effective 5-Day Detox. My clients have ranged from single ladies looking to drop weight to busy working mamas who need to get their energy back on track so they can show up for their families at the end of the day.



I tried Necole's 5 Day Detox Program. i was nurvious at first because I thought it was long, I have fail at prior detoxes, and usually they consist of foods I do not like. I took the shopping list and bought all the ingredients. There were many that I have previously tried and did not like, so I was skeptical that I could stick it out. Well...I did and lost 9 lbs! not only did Necole simplify this process, her recipes  were so delicious and filling, it really surpriced me how much I did not only enjoyed them, but how filled I feel between meals. I did not even miss snacks because the alternatives she offered satisfied my cravings. I have such positive experience, that I am doing he program again this week. Thank you Coach Necole for pushing me out of my comfort zone and overcoming prior beliefs and barries that was getting in the way of me incorperating a healthy diet into my life. I am so excited to continue working with Necole to continue building on my success! 

Coach Necole, I had so much fun learning about how to use food to improve my health. That you so much for your expertise. I have to tell your I do chose my food differently now. Thank you so very much.
       Joan Christopher

Necole, Just want to say, thank you for hosting this detox program. I am completely blown away at how easy eating health can be and good healthy food tasted. Ths program have exceeded my expectation and help me over come my prior belief about eating healthy. I know this is only the beginning for me as I am so looking forward to continue my healh journey with your help. 5 lbs in 5 days, I am super excited!!

My 5-Day Summer Detox is perfect for you if:

  • You’ve gone overboard when it comes to eating and snacking during the cold winter months and during the summer kick off barbecues (more hot dogs and burger anyone?)

  • You don’t want to go to extremes to lose weight or get back on track

  • You want to get better with ALL of your eating habits, and not sign up for some fad diet that will fizzle out by the end of the month

  • You’re noticing that you need a jolt of caffeine or sugar to keep you going after lunch (Salted Caramel Mocha, perhaps?)

  • Your favorite clothes feel too tight and you’re inching towards the ‘fat’ side of your closet

With my 5-Day Detox, you can expect to:

  • Clean up your diet and focus on eating healthy and tasty foods like whole grains, lean proteins and lots and lots of cleansing veggies

  • Kick your sugar habit to the curb

  • Get back on track with your eating habits in a way that won’t leaving you feeling hungry or deprived

  • Lose from 2-14 lbs. (this is what REAL people have reported back to me, and most of them have kept it off)

The nuts and bolts details:

We’ll kick off on June 26, 2023 and detox until June 30th, 2023. That’s right – no messing around here. Let’s get you back to your healthiest, most vibrant self so you can grab 2022 year by the horns. If you’ve never detoxed before, don’t worry: I’ve got you covered. This detox program is specifically designed to make things simple for detox beginners and people with over-packed weekly schedules. 


  • A shopping list template with tricks to save time and money

  • A supplement guide (including my favorite brands and where you can get them) so you’ll know which supplements to include and which you can skip

  • A “Deepen Your Detox” handbook so you can personalize your detox experience and go as deep (or light) as you want

  • A complete “Eating Out” guide so you’ll know exactly what to order if you have a business lunch or dinner with friends

  • ​

A few more details if you’re not quite sure yet… 

You won’t starve. Pinky swear.

It’s important to know that juice cleanse or rabbit food diet can actually backfire because your body thinks you’re in a famine after all the feasting over the holidays. It’s better to focus on eating nutrient rich foods that nourish you from the inside out – and get you looking AND feeling better in less than a week.  


My 5-Day Detox plan is packed full of really yummy recipes that include foods like whole grains, lean proteins, legumes and beans and, of course, lots of naturally cleansing vegetables. My clients rave about the recipes, and a lot of people tell me they want to eat like this all the time.

                            Frequently Asked Questions:

I’m really busy – will this program work for me? 

Yes, I get it; we’re ALL busy these days. But the reality is that feeling heavy and frustrated isn’t helping you squeeze more productivity into your day. This detox is quick, easy, and WILL make a difference. Many detoxers have told me that their families have just eaten all the foods along with them with little to no complaints. Plus, a 5-Day detox is much quicker than most programs you’ll find out there, and I’ve created a lot of done-for-you materials to make this as easy as possible. 

How do I know if I need a detox?

Detoxing is a personal decision, and it’s something that I do on a regular basis for a number of reasons. First, I just love the way I feel after I take a break from eating unhealthy foods and focusing on getting high-quality nutrients in every meal.


Second, the reality is that our world is becoming increasingly polluted. We ingest toxins through the water we drink, the air we breathe, and even the materials that are around us. Then add in the chemicals that we have in our homes and workplaces, and that means pretty much everyone is carrying a toxic load. 


When our bodies get overexposed to toxins, our liver does the best job it can to protect us, and it does this by wrapping toxins in mucous and storing them in fat cells. (Um, yuck.) When toxins stored in our fat, we can’t burn that fat until we release and process that toxin! The reality is that no matter how much you exercise, eat right, and manage your stress, you won’t be able to lose that stubborn belly fat until you partake in a detox and get rid of those toxins for good.

What kind of results should I expect?

My detox clients tell me that they best thing about this program is that they never realized how bad they were feeling until they started feeling better than ever before. Many of them share that they wake up feeling like they have more energy than they know what to do with, their skin clears up, and they feel awesome in their clothes.


Isn’t it time to try something different?


The summer Detox Group 5-Day Detox starts on June 26, 2023. This is the week right before the BIG July 4th independence Day barbicue and firework.


You’ll get all the detox materials, recipes, handouts, an online virtual community, plus tons of lovin’ support from me for just $199


This program is just $150 when you sign up by June 16, 2023. Space in this group is limited on a first come first serve basis. Hit the green (sign up now) botton to reserve your spot. For further inquiry or services, stroll to the bottom of this page and fill out the contact form..





Money back guarantee: I believe my 5-Day Detox for Beginners will help you feel and look better. If you follow the protocols and you find that doesn’t happen for you, just send an email to within two weeks of signing up and I’ll refund your money within 72 business hours, no questions asked. There’s absolutely no risk – if it doesn’t work, I’ll give you your money back. 



Have questions? Great. I’d love to help you figure out if this is the right program for you. Send me an email at or fill out a contact form below and I’ll get back to you ASAP.















Privacy policy: I respect your privacy and hate spam as much as you do. I promise to never sell, rent or otherwise share your private contact information. 



Disclaimer + Terms of Use: Medical Disclaimer: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to educate you about how to take care of your body and as a self-help tool for your own use so that you can reach your own health goals. It is not intended to treat or cure any specific illness and is not to replace the guidance provided by your own medical practitioner. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to take appropriate action by seeking medical attention.



 Health Coach Necole COTA/L, CPT, CIHC, CMH

Lots of Love and Healthy Eating...

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